List of state leaders in 1999

1998 state leadersEvents of 19992000 state leadersState leaders by year





North America


South America


  1. ^ Eritrea only became independent in 1993.
  2. ^ Bahrain only became independent in 1971, until then the monarch was titled Hakim of Bahrain.
  3. ^ Bahrain only became independent in 1971.
  4. ^ Brunei only became independent in 1984.
  5. ^ Hun Sen was titled Second Prime Minister between 1993 and 1998.
  6. ^ Kazakhstan only became independent in 1991.
  7. ^ The position of the Chairman was declared to be the "highest office of state" by the constitution that came into effect on September 5, 1998.
  8. ^ Kyrgyzstan only became independent in 1991.
  9. ^ Turkmenistan only became independent in 1991.
  10. ^ Uzbekistan only became independent in 1991.
  11. ^ Ali Abdullah Saleh was President of North Yemen until 1990.
  12. ^ Croatia only became independent in 1991.
  13. ^ Abkhazia only declared independence on 23 July 1992.
  14. ^ Transnistria only declared independence in 1991.
  15. ^ Russia only became independent in 1991.
  16. ^ The capital was retaken by Russia in 2000 and Maskhadov was in hiding afterwards.
  17. ^ Slovenia only became independent in 1991.
  18. ^ The seven member Swiss Federal Council is the collective head of state and the government of Switzerland. Within the Council, the President of the Swiss Confederation serves solely in a primus inter pares capacity for one year.
  19. ^ Palau only became independent in 1994.
  20. ^ Tonga only became independent in 1970.